
Tuesday 30 March 2010

Grumpybum monster longies - pattern

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I’ve had lots of people asking me for the pattern to these longies. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to help them out as I have mainly just knitted freely from my own head. But, I have finally gotten my shit together and written down what I have done.

This pattern is in two sizes, 6 months-1,5 years (1,5-2,5 years). As the longies are very stretchy sideways, and the little ones doesn’t really expand so much in that direction, it pretty much comes down to the knitting the legs longer to make a bigger size.

This is the first time I have ever written a pattern down, so I am happy for any feedback. If you have any questions, please post them here or email me, and i will be happy to answer as best as I can. However, most of the questions i receive are variations of the same ones, please read:

  • I do NOT make these for sale. I would like to, but unfortunately I don't have the time.
  • I do not have the pattern in any other sizes than the ones shown here. If i ever get around to make more sizes I will update this pattern :-).
  • I cannot send you the pattern. 
  • I don't have the pattern for crochet, nor can a make a pattern for crochet as i don't know how to.
  • I do not have the pattern for making these using straight needles.
  • I cannot translate the pattern to any other language besides Norwegian, which you can find here: Norwegian pattern here.


Needles: 4mm circular needles                                                 
Yarn: Any yarn for 4mm needles, 100m - 50g. 2 skeins of base color (BC), 1 skein of each stripe color (C2/C3), about 25m red, a bit of white, and a bit of black.                                                                                     
Gauge: 20 stitches = 10cm. 

K = Knit
P = Purl
CO = Cast on
yo = yarn over
P2tog = Purl two stitches together
PM = Place marker
BO = Bind off
BC = Base colour
C1 = Colour 1
C2 = Colour 2

Note: The eyes and teeth are made using duplicate stitches, and are not knitted in. See pattern here: eyes and teeth.
Monster longies
Using BC, CO 92 (100) sts. Join the round, being careful not to twist. Place a marker at the beginning of the round.
Ribbing. Knit 6 rounds K2, P2. 6 months-1,5 years: start with P2. 1,5-2,5 years: start with K2.
Round 7. *yo, P2tog, yo, K2* repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, yo, P2tog, yo*, repeat **) - total 115 (125) sts.
Round 8. *P2tog, P1, K2*, repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, P2tog, P1*, repeat **) - total 92 (100) sts.
Knit 5 rounds of ribbing.

K 16 (18) rounds. Change to C1, K 4 rounds.

Change to red color for mouth:

  • K 2 rounds
  • Next round, K33 (35) wrap & turn                                                 
  • P20 wrap & turn
  • K 23 wrap & turn
  • P 26 wrap & turn
  • K29 (30) wrap & turn
  • P32 (34) wrap & turn
  • K35 (38) wrap & turn
  • P38 (42) wrap & turn
  • K42 (46) wrap & turn
  • P46 (50) wrap & turn
  • K 2 rounds
Change back to C1.
K 4 rounds. On the last round PM "A" after 21 (23) stitches, PM "B" after 4 (4) stitches, PM "C" after 42 (46) stitches, and PM "D" after 4 (4) stitches.


Change back to BC.

K to A, increase 1 st before M, K to B, increase 1 st after M, K to end of round. Repeat 5 more rounds. Total 104 (112) sts.
Next round, K to A, increase 1 st before M, K to B, increase 1 st after M, K to C, increase 1 st before M, K to D, increase 1 st after M, K to end of round. Repeat 5 (6) more rounds. Total 128 (140) sts. 

Next round. K to A. Cut the yarn, leave a 50 cm long tail. Using the kitchener stitch, sew the four middle sts from front and back together (the 4 sts between A and B, and C and D) (or knit one round while BO the 4 sts between A and B, and BO the 4 sts between C and D, then sew these together as you please). Place the sts of one leg on a stitch holder.

Pick up 2 sts in the join (where the front of the leg meets the back of the leg in the crotch) to avoid a hole. You should have a total of 62 (68) sts on the leg.
K 5 rounds (1,5-2,5 years: Round 3, K2tog in the beginning and end of round. Round 4: K2tog in the beginning and end of round. Total 64 sts.).
*Change to C1, K 2 rounds. Change to C2, K 5 rounds. Change back to C1, K 2 rounds. BC, K 3 rounds.* Repeat **
Knit stripes until legs are the desired length.


On the last round, decrease sts evenly around to end up with 32 sts. Knit ribbing K2, P2 for 25 rounds. BO loosely. As the recipient is growing this ribbing can be folded up or down so the longies can be used as long as possible.
Work in all the ends. Work duplicate stitches for eyes and teeth.

In C2, CO 3 sts. K 3, DON’T turn but slide the stitches to the other side of the needle and continue to knit. Repeat until desired length, about 70-100cm.

©WanderingLady. Please feel free to link to this pattern or to tell others where to find it, but do not distribute copies of the pattern yourself, either electronically or in physical form.
Items made using this pattern are not to be sold for profit, though private use (making the items for yourself or as a gift) is permitted and encouraged.


  1. love your pattern perfect for little kids thanks for taking the time to write up the pattern.

  2. Thanks so much for writing your notes down. The pattern is very cute and I really enjoy the photography on your website.

  3. It looks really cute and fun to knit! Thanks so much!

  4. Hi, could you email me I have a question about pricing.... thanks!

  5. These are so adorable! thank you for sharing your pattern. I don't really have a little one to make them for, but I couldn't resist.

  6. Where did you buy your yarn?

  7. on the part right after the short rows and where you place the 4 markers, what does the "og" just before the last marker mean?


  8. ok, never mind about og. just looked up translation and it's "and". silly me. sorry. and thanks so much for your wonderful pattern. I am about to start knitting the legs for my little boy, but did solid brown for my first pair instead of all the colors. that will come next! it's so simple and easy to follow.

  9. Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate them :-)

  10. I dont knit and would love to buy these for my g'kids! If you will take orders, please post and let me know. I will check back for an answer.

  11. I am in the process of making! How do add the eyes and mouth? Thanks.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. these monsters are great. what a pity i don't understand english instructions!! any germans here willing to help or did someone already translate it? maybe there is a list where i can look up all these abreviations? i wish i could knit these too for my godson ... thanks in advance

    1. Hi, I searched for "knitting abbreviations" and "languages" and got this page. Will keep looking. I understand your problem, because I often find instructions in languages other than English. There is probably a better set. I'll keep looking. You have to scroll down a bit.

      I also found this site. Please look through it for translation of knitting terms into various languages. Perhaps you can compare these to the American abbreviations. Good luck.

    2. Hi, I was just wondering if you still need the knitting instruction in german. I´m german myself and just started to knit them and figured out along the way how I had to do it.
      now the 2nd pair is just finished. looking brilliant.
      so if you still want it I could get back to you- just let me know.

    3. Hallo Doris, wie ich es richtig verstanden habe, hast Du eine deutsche Anleitung dafür! Kannst Du sie mir schicken? Mein Englisch und meine Strickkenntnisse sind nicht so brilliant ;) ist meine email.... würde mich freuen wenn Du das liest und sie mir schickst :)

    4. Hi Doris. Würde die Anleitung auch gern auf deutsch haben. Mein Emailadresse: Danke für deine Hilfe.

    5. Hallo Doris!
      Habe gerade diese unglaublich tolle Hose entdeckt. Ich wäre dir über die deutsche Anleitung mehr als dankbar.
      Herzliche Grüße Ivka
      Meine Email:

    6. Ich hätte auch total gern die Strickanleitung auf deutsch!!! Wenn sie jeman für mich hat, wäre das fantastisch!!!

      Liebe Grüße vom Kiez,

      Meine mail:

    7. wenns noch machbar ist ;). Das wäre so super <3 LG Kathi

    8. Hi Doris,
      ich würde mich über die Anleitung auf Deutsch auch sehr freuen. Vielen Dank.

    9. Hallo Doris, bitte die Anleitung auf deutsch schicken an:

    10. Hallo, sorry leider hat´s ein Jahr gedauert aber wer es noch braucht bitte mail an dann schick ich euch die deutsche Anleitung. Gruss Doris


      has the monster pants in German. I found it before I found it in English:)

  14. Just wanted to let you know some people are trying to sell them...

    1. Why would that matter?

    2. It matters as the author has asked us not To sell them. It gives her the heads up to investigate the matter

  15. I think I am addicted to knitting these for my 2 little ones. So far I've knit up 3 plain pairs, a jack o lantern pair for my daughter's first Halloween and a monster pair for my son's grumpy bum. I especially love the extra increases in the seat/upper thighs to accomodate their fluffy cloth diaper butts. Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. Hi again! I just wanted to stop back and say here we are 3 years later and I'm still using your pattern to make longies for my 3 and 5 year olds simply by adding length to your pattern. My son is in kinder this year and still wears his "sweater pants." A million thank yous for this pattern!

    2. Oh, that's so sweet to hear :-). Thanks for you comment, it made my day.

  16. I am at the crotch and I a not sure how you have divided up the knitting into A B C D. Help please.

    1. I have changed the instructions on where to place the markers in the pattern. Please take a look. Hope this helps :-).

  17. hi please advise is A and B at the front

  18. What size is shown in the photos? And how long did you do the legs for that size?thanks for the pattern!

    1. The photos shows different sizes. I normally knit the legs different depending on whose getting the longies. When I made these for sale I would always ask for the measurements of the bub who was getting the longies before knitting. However, as a general rule I would knit the longies to be half the length of the child (thus, if the bub is measuring 68 cm, I would make the longies 34 cm long) before knitting the ribbing at the bottom of the legs. Hope this helps :-)

  19. So nice of you to put the pattern up for all to share - I'd LOVE to make these for my grandsons!

  20. I'm at the mouth. If I p20 and turn to P 26 and keep turning, how does the front get added to.

    1. I am not sure I understand the question. The knit and turn in the pattern is so the bum will be slightly longer than the front, to accomodate diapers (or big bums :-)).

    2. Hi there I am at the mouth piece and am extremely lost. What do you mean when you say turn? Do I not complete knitting around to also do the front? If not how do I the. Proceed to complete the from piece? Sorry I am a bit of a beginner and the mouth piece has me stomped :-(

  21. Dear Wandering Lady - I love your monster pants! I also love the
    beautiful little shrug you have pictured. Would you be so kind as
    to give your fans that pattern as well?

  22. Hi there! Having a fun time knitting these up, but need more detailed instructions on the sewing up of the front and back and the splitting of the legs. Would be so appreciated!! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the feed-back. I have tried to explain a bit better about the sewing up of the front and back in the pattern. PLease take a look. If you still need more detals, please let me know :-).

  23. Hi there! My aunt made a girly version. She added eyelashes! Thanks so much for posting your pattern. Feel free to check out the pictures.

    1. Oh, the longies are adorable. So happy you shared the pics with me. Thanks :-).

    2. I tried to view your Creation but the page no longer exist?

  24. I have neglected to check the comments for a while, and got quite suprised today when I saw all the new comments made here. I am so sorry if someone have felt ignored as I haven't replied earlier, that was not my intention. I appreciate all the comments, and are so grateful and happy that you guys like the pattern. Please keep on commenting and asking questions :-).

  25. how do you make the eyes and teeth?? do you knit them in as your going or after your done do you do them??please help!

    1. The eyes and teeth are embroided on using duplicate stitches after you're done knitting the longies.

  26. My mother in law is making these for my daughter and she was wondering what PM A, PM B, PM C, and PM D mean in the instructions right after the mouth.

    1. Hi, and sorry for late reply. But, as someone already has pointed out, PM means place marker. So, after 21/23 stitches you will place your first marker (A), then you will knit 4 more stitches before placing another marker (B), and so on... Good luck :-)

  27. PM=place marker. You will place four markers, ABC and D.

  28. Do you know hoe to crochet them??they are so cool!!!

  29. Sorry to sound so ignorant, but when you start the increases after the short rows, what method of increases do you use? Do you knit a round between the increase rows?

    1. Not to worry, I usually increase by picking up the thread between two stitches and knit it from the back.

  30. Hello, they are so cute! Do you have the instructions in German? Doris wrote she could get them to you if you want. (If I understand that right ;))Maybe I can get them from you?

    1. I am sorry, I don't have the instructions in german.

  31. just wondering how long it takes to make them? A friend asked me to make them and I don't know if I'll have them ready for christmas.

    1. This comes a bit too late :-S, but I usually knit them in a few days depending of how much knitting I get done a day. And then another day for the decorations.

    2. It took me 18 hours to make a size 2T and I'm a proficient knitter.

  32. A brilliant pattern. I love knitting these! Thanks so much for putting the time in to make this pattern!

    1. Thanks for the comment, I am so happy you like the pattern.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. What is the point of:

    Round 7. *yo, P2tog, yo, K2* repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, yo, P2tog, yo*, repeat **).
    Round 8. *P2tog, P1, K2*, repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, P2tog, P1*, repeat **).

    Would be great if you could add ending count for stitches when types of pattern switches such as above are included (i.e. 92/100 sts to start; after row 7 = ?; after rom 8 = ?)

    Just don't understand the point of 7 and 8.


    1. Those are the button holes for the length of string around the waist. But I noticed that the instructions are wrong. The small size should be k2 yo p2tog p1.

    2. Sorry I should have said k2 p2 tog backwards (not yo) because you need to end up with the same amount of stitches on the first row and the ribbing needs to line up after the button holes are made.

    3. So should the pattern for this state the following:
      Ribbing. Knit 6 rounds. P2, K2. (K2, P2) - Parentheses for larger size.
      Round 7: *P2tog, P1, K2* repeat ** (*K2, P2tog, P1*, repeat **).
      Round 8. *P2tog, P1, K2*, repeat ** (*K2, P2tog, P1*, repeat **).

  35. I understand what rows 7 and 8 are for, the i-cord to undulate. :)

  36. Can you please tell me what the kitchener stitch is and also what does BO mean. I am working at the crotch of these adorable little longies.

    thanks so much for your help.

    1. If you google kitchener stitch you will find lots of great tutorials online. It's a way of sewing together knit fabrics. BO means simply 'bind off' :-).

  37. Made these for my six month old G-Grandson. Theyfit perfectly. Am goint to make some more along with sweaters to go along with them. These were a hit with my Gr-daughters' croud. Thank you so much.

    1. did u knit them on a cicular needle or just one...or do u hav eto sew them confussed

  38. Would you be willing to sell a pair of these cute little pants? I would love to purchase them!

    1. Sorry, I do not make these for sale any more :-(.

  39. Hi Wandering lady! Thank so VERY much for sharing your pattern for these super cute longies! I am getting ready to knit two up for my twin boys for their first birthday :) I read through your pattern and I am hoping you can help me with your short-rows (mouth). How do you avoid creating holes in the work when you turn? Should I be wrapping and turning? Thank you for your time (and talent!). Cheers

    1. Hi Mimi and thanks for your comment. I am very happy you like my pattern. I would wrap and turn on the short rows to avoid holes. I have found this tutorial: very helpful as to how to wrap and turn :-).

  40. I knitted up a couple of monster bum pants and tried to email you a picture, but your email link doesn't work. Thank you again!

    1. Thanks for the note. Somehow the email-link fell out, but I have now fixed it :-). Would be thrilled to see a picture of your creation.

  41. I have instructions in german now, deutsche Anleitung :

    write if you need it at damaris @

  42. Thank you for taking the time to put this pattern down in writing. It's great. I'm making a pair for my friends' child, I hope they fit! They look adorable already. I think they'll have years of use and enjoyment :)

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment. I am so happy you liked the pattern :-).

  43. Hi there, I love these pants and I am sure that once I figure out what to do next they will become a long and loving addition to my knitting repertoire. I am here at this line and do not know what the pattern means because I am a relatively limited knitter. Please help so I can get these finished. Thank you so very much!!

    1. my email is should you want to continue this in an email. Thanks =)

    2. I am so happy you like the longies. Can you be more specific as to what causes you problems?

  44. I made one for my son and will start the next one for my nephew soon. It took me appr 10 days (size 1,5 yrs). When decreasing stitches for the leg, I decreased at the inside of the leg and only one stitch per row, over 6 rows in total. Looks a bit smoother that way I think.
    We should have a photo wall of all creations knitted so far ;-)

    1. We should have a photowall :-). Would be so much fun to see all your lovely creations. Let me look into this.

    2. I have started a Flickr group for all who want to share pictures of their creation:


  45. Love this pattern. I wonder if you have it in size newborn to 6 months? I dont knowhiw to downsize it. Can you help me?

    1. I am sorry, I haven't made a smaller pattern. But, you could try to knit on smaller needles. I would reckon 3mm needles would do the trick.

  46. I adore these pants and am trying to knit a pair for my son. Three times I've tried the kitchener stitch to sew the crotch together, but each time I end up with the last stitch on the "back needle" getting super long with no way to fix it. I have now had to rip out the section twice and restart. I'm so frustrated because I don't know what I'm doing wrong. These pants are so sweet, but I feel like they're defeating me right now. Any tips? Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi, I always end up with "holes" when closing the crotch with kitchener stitch, but just close them with a needle stitch when sewing in the ends.

  47. Thank you so much! As soon as I have knitted these they will be on my blog with all credit to you! Thanks again. :)

  48. These are fantastic! I see a new project coming :) My littlest daughter has just turned 1 and I think she'd rock some monster longies.

  49. Bloody Brilliant! I'm going to try to make an adult size for my hubby. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  50. I love these! Does anyone know if there is a crochet pattern for these?

  51. Thank you so much for this pattern!! I just finished a pair for my son (it took me 8 months...I'm a slow knitter) but I love the results! I did make a few changes (wrap and turned, decreased differently, elastic bind off on the feet, etc) but I had such a blast making them!! Thank you so much!

    1. Did u knit them on a cicular needle or on just one needle?

    2. You're very welcome, and thanks for your sweet comment :-).

  52. Hello! I would like to know if you take orders and how much you will charge for 3T. Do you have a facebook page to contact you?
    I love to crochet, but I am a bad knitter. :) Will try your pattern anyways, but to order one is faster for me. Thanks!

    1. Hi Marina, I don't knit these for orders anymore :-(.

  53. I would LOVE to knit a pair of these for myself. Do you think it would be very difficult to convert the pattern to adult sizes?

    1. I don't think it should be too difficult to convert them, depending on what kind of fit you wanted. Send me an email and we'll figure it out :-).

  54. Hi! First off let me thank you for taking the time to write down this pattern! I am about halfway done with the mouth and an concerned ia am wasting my time since line 8 has a decrease with no increase and my pants are super small now! Did I read it wrong?

    1. I am sorry for late reply. I hope you figured it out, but the there isn't supposed to be any decreases in the mouth, only wrap and turns.

  55. my pants did not turn out,,the wide part for the mouth is off center...and i did follow the pattern exactly!!!!

    1. That is odd. I have made lots of longies using this pattern, and the wide part of the mouth always ends up in the center. Can you have read the instructions wrong?

  56. Do you have the pattern for bigger children sizes?

    1. I am working on bigger sizes. Will try to upload them after new year :-).

  57. Thank you so much for posting this pattern. I've been looking for one to make these and you saved the day :-)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hi I was having trouble with the mouth what dues K 2 rounds next round K 33 turn P 20 turn K 23 turn P 26 turn K 29 turn P 32 turn K 35 turn P 38 turn K 42 turn P46 turn K2 rounds mean I'm a beginner so I don't no very much knitting and this is my first pattern

    1. It means: Knit 2 rounds, on the next round knit 33 stitches then turn and purl 20 stitches, turn again and knit 23 stitches and so on. You should google wrap and turn for knitting to be familiar with this technique :-).

  60. Changing the language to English a part of the pattern has been lost in translation....The eye portion of the pattern is missing from the instructions.....

    1. Hi, nothing has been lost in translation. You don't knit the eyes but embroider them on after the longies have been knit. It says so at the end of the pattern.

    2. Can you size them up for an adult please?

  61. Hi! Thanks for the pattern! I am having some troubles with the crotch. When I do the increases at A and B 5 times, I am not ending up with 104 stitches. I have 71 stitches to begin with, as the pattern suggests. Any hints? Thanks :)

    1. Hi Jamie, you are not supposed to have 71 stitches to begin with. The pattern do not suggest that at any point. You are supposed to have 92 stitches, the same amount as you CO.

  62. Hi there, love these so much, just asking if you're giving permission for people to make these to sell, seen a few for sale on Facebook and one woman stating she had your permission to sell. I don't like to do anything unless I've gone straight to the source to ask. Thanks.

    1. Hi, if you wnat to make these for sale you are welcome to do so. I would appreciate if you gave me credit for the pattern though :-).

  63. I am knitting these on straight needles. Can someone please let me know where my seam is going to end up. I think centre front would be best. It may have to be a knit it and see!

  64. So, with changing to the red color for the mouth, in the knit 2 rounds rows, are you then saying the front of the work will have red strips in it, assuming you are knitting 2 rows in the round? And the link you had referred to with this section, are we not to do the "wrap" part of the turn and simply just turn the work and knit or purl what it indicates in the pattern?

    1. If anyone who has made these already could answer my question. I have googled and looked and just don't know the answer to my question...

    2. HI, I plan on starting these awesome pants this weekend and was reading through the pattern tonight to familiarize myself with it. While reading the pattern I had the same question you had. I searched Pinterest and Ravelry for pictures of completed monster pants and found that the color (the few rounded of the red color for the month) is shown in the front. I hope this helps.

    3. Hi Anonymous, yes, the front of the longies will have two rounds with red. And, it is up to you how you turn. I personally wrap and turn, but if you think it is easier to just turn, you can do that as well, but you will end up with small holes. But you could easily sew these shut afterwards :-)

  65. Thank you for the pattern! I'm making a pair for my friend's baby.
    I just wanted to tell you that posting the pattern is very generous of you, and you've been very patient answering questions that really should have been answered with a quick google. I'm impressed and proud of you, because I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from telling people to look it up! You are wonderful <3
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you :-). That is such a lonely comment, and much appreciated!

    2. lovely comment, not lonely :-)

  66. I am wanting to have a friend make the cookie moster & elmo pants. Is there a different pattern for cookie monster & elmo?

    1. I am sorry, but I don't have any pattern for cookie monster or Elmo.

  67. Thank you so very much for your pattern. My niece had twins last spring and sent me an email with a photo of your monster pants ~ How cute I said. Well, she wants a pair for each of the twins. Then 5 other nieces and 2 nephews spotted the post on Facebook and they want the pants for their little ones. I guess I will be quit busy for the next couple of months. Thanks again ~ I really appreciate you sharing your pattern with all of us! God Bless! Joan

    1. Hi Joan, and thank you for your comment. It makes me so happy that people like and use my pattern :-).

  68. I knitted a pair of these on circular needles, they look great but they took me for ever, especially the legs. I feel I could knit these much quicker on flat needles. Has anyone knitted a pair on flat needles and made up a pattern. Or do you think it would be easy enough to make it up. Thanks Diane

    1. I'm am making these for the first time, and I am using 4 dp. needles for the leg, the circle needle are to long and don't work.

    2. I am with you on this one...I actually just asked way down below (Feb. 15 today). I hope someone comes through. I am a whiz at knitting with flat needles but hopeless on circular... Thanks so much, Paula

    3. Try doing a youtube search for magic loop for knitting. I just finishec a project using this method and it is a great staple method to know.

    4. I don't know how to make these using flat needles as I would think they are easier to make using round needles. Try google magic loop (and one of the commenters suggests) if your round needles are too long.

  69. I don't understand what 1,5-2,5 years means I want to make one for a silent auction benefit for a small child who has many medical bills. Could you E-Mail me the answer please my e-mail is

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I read it as 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years old

    3. It means for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years old :-).

  70. Surely it means 1.5 years to 2.5years of age???? The smaller size is 6 months yo 1.5 years.

  71. I followed your pattern with great success! I chose to make a sock monkey rather than a monster, and couldn't be happier with my result. Thank you for generously sharing your pattern

  72. I'm alittle confused about the Kitchener stitch. I have googled it and all it shows is being done on straight needles. Even on those it shows dropping off a stitch after putting a needle thru it. How do you drop a stitch when it is on circular needles and in the middle of the piece. Can you please clarify. Thank you

    1. Hi, you would have to transfer the stitches to flat needles for the kitchener stitch.

  73. Can you make an adult size pattern please?

    1. I have gotten this request a few times now, and would have loved to obliged. Unfortunately, time does not permit me to do so at the moment. Maybe at a later date.

  74. can't understand your pattern PM B 4 stitches , PM C after 42 stitches etc & later it says K - A increase 2 st b/f Mm K to B etc,

    1. PM means place marker so you would knit 21/23 stitches then place your marker which is marker A then knit 4 stitches then place marker B and so on. With the increase you knit to the first marker then increase just before the marker and knit to the second marker and increase after that marker and so on. Hope this helps. Right now I am stuck on the crotch part trying to figure out the Kitchener stitch with the two sets of 4 stitches. If you understand that one then please let me know

    2. thank you - will get to that point & get back to you

    3. looked up kitchener stitch on utube & there is a video u can watch & take your time. Either use that or bind off the 4 stitches front & back & sew them together

    4. I did look it up on YouTube. What I don't get is that you remove a stitch off the needle and how do you do that when the four stitches front and back are in the middle of the eork

    5. can anyone help me figure out how to center the crotch. the pattern I have is a co of 96 how do I center for that. I did one and the increase for the crotch ended up on the side of the leg. Any help would be great. TIA

  75. my mum is knitting these for my little boy. she is having trouble with the crotch increases. she says increase four times and there should be 112, but it's 104. can anyone help? (thank you for the great pattern!)

    1. The first row of the crotch is increased by 2 stitches and then it says to repeat this row 5 times which equals a total increase of 12 stitches (6 rows times 2). The directions say you should now have a total of 104 stitches (92 + 12) for the smaller size and 112 stitches (100 + 12) for the larger size.

  76. Will someone please make a YouTube tutorial for these. Im a visual learner so hard to follow. Would greatly appreciate it

  77. Hi I am making the monster leggings, have done a fair bit of knitting but not for a long time. I am at the part where it says knit to A cut yarn etc and am afraid (chicken) to attempt this incase I make a mistake as I have put in too much time to mess it up. Can someone please clarify this for me...or a video would be appreciated Thanks Marlene

  78. how do you do the short turns without leaving holes???

    1. She says you should use a wrap and turn stitch for the short rows...lots of help on YouTube for that. But I still haven't figured out how to wrap and turn. Need to practice on a short swatch. That and the kitchner stitch...

    2. Hi, as Jeannie says you should either wrap and turn, or you could just turn and the sew the holes shut after.

  79. Hi, my friend would like me to make these for her baby due in Sept. How would you suggest to size down for a newborn?

  80. COULD someone please explain just how to do the crotch. Do I either sew the A & B together, then C & D together or a to c then b to d, Either using kitchener stitch or sewing thats not the problem. Just not sure how to do this at all ....PLEASE if anyone can explain it I would appreciate it. Thanks Marlene

  81. Thank you for so generously sharing this pattern with the world. The longies are adorable!
    I have a question regarding the shoes pictured on the baby with the purple colored monster bum. She has on little pink shoes with a small leather circle on the heel. What brand/type of shoes are those? Does anyone know? I've searched Pedipeds, Kavat, Hanna Anderson, Vincent, etc. with no luck. Thank you.

  82. Oh, these pants are just increddible!!!! Such a shame I can't follow any patterns, but I'll try to make my own ones - thank you sooo much for the idea!!!

  83. Thank you for this cute pattern. My daughter has asked for these for our new grandson,but I am very confused with the wording as shown below

    Could you please explain " start with P2. 1,5-2,5 years does this mean start with P2 for 1 year, 5 year-2 and 5 year?"
    Round 7. *yo, P2tog, yo, K2* repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, yo, P2tog, yo*, repeat **.
    Round 8. *P2tog, P1, K2*, repeat ** (1,5-2,5 years: *K2, P2tog, P1*, repeat **).

    Thank You

  84. Has anyone tried this pattern flat (meaning with straight needles instead of in the round)? If there a pattern available?

    1. I am using straight needles and I have run into a hitch at the crotch directions. I don't know if I should work the inc's every row or every knit row. The second paragraph of directions is identical....

  85. Does anyone have a printable pattern to share? I would love to try making these for my great nephews.....????

  86. Hi there I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a crochet pattern for these cute little pants, if someone can let me know that would be fantastic. Thank you

    1. Im working on my tablet and not sure how to copy paste yet but if you do a google image search for knitted monster pants you will find a cute pair that are an owl and they are crochet. However the pattern is for sale and not free

  87. Well it's been almost exactly 5 years since you posted this, and it still generates excitement! I'd say you did a great job with these directions AND with dreaming these sweet things up! Thank you so much for sharing! Judi in Minnesota USA

  88. Any chance you would rethink someone making a pair of these and selling them, since people would like to buy them as long as you would be credited as the author and designer?

  89. I have also had a few requests to knit these to sell and I'm more than happy to credit you as the pattern designer as I do with all items I knit and sell. I think I would only make and sell no more than a few pairs. Thank you for an awesome and creative pattern. I knit these for my grandson a few years ago and now his baby brother is wearing them.

    1. I just re-read what I wrote above and it didn't sound like a request but it was supposed to be lol!

  90. I don't know how to knit but I love these pants. A family friend said she would make them for my kids if I got her the materials. How much of each color yarn would I need for one of each pairs? One green, and one purple. Green for size 6 months and purple for 3-4 year old. Thank you.

  91. Hi doris. Can you make the pattern in danish?

  92. Can anyone help me to get the pattern in danish.

  93. I thought I posted this but I can't find it so I am sure... I am knitting with straight needles cause I don't use circulars (yet) I ran into a problem at the crotch directions. I understand putting the markers out; now I am supposed to knit 6 rows, inc'ing at certain points. I am reading that you inc at these points every row? So, I would have to inc on the purl rows.. Am I correct? Then the second paragraph is identical to the first....

  94. Thank you, these look like fun to make. I have saved the pattern for when I ever have grandchildren, I can make these for them.

  95. Hi, I'm trying to knit these, and agree with someone who posted a while back that it would be nice to know how many stitches we should have at the end of rounds 7 and 8. I got to the end of the mouth and am ready to do the increase rounds, and found that I'm 21 stitches shy of what I'm supposed to have. I'm pretty sure the issue was in rounds 7 and 8, but I really don't have the heart to un-knit that far back.

    Is there a way that I can fix it at this point without making them look weird?

    1. In my chagrin at messing it up so badly, I forgot my manners! Thank you so much for sharing this pattern, and for answering questions about it! It's absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to present the longies to my friend for her granddaughter! <3

  96. I am going to attempt to make these, the gauge in the pattern says 20 stitches = 10 cm, is there a length to a certain number of rows to see if I am using the correct size needles?

    1. I ended up with a size that was massive! I stink at checking gauge. Go smaller on the needles if you are unsure

  97. im at the crotch can anyone explain to me which leg they put on hold first? it says knit to marker A so I assume the leg with the beginning of the round in it? and work the leg between markers B and C?

  98. What is meant by sow ?

    1. SEW It is just a misspelling.

  99. when you started to share these pants I'm sure you had no idea what an earthquake of reactions you had coming! but still everybody loves to try and make them, as do I, and little children love to have them, so thanks a million for sharing and answering every little question. keep up the good work!

  100. Thank you for this pattern! I am shrinking it by 2/3. I will share and link this site when I'm done !

  101. Can you please add a materials list at the top. Needle size and type as well as yarn weight. I am starting with size 4mm ( US6 ) circular needles and sport or dk weight yarm

  102. Firstl things first thankyou sooo much for taking the time to write and share this pattern :-)
    I am just starting then and have gotten to the dreaded rows 7 and 8 and understand they are holes to thread cord through, 7 is fine but row 8, if I follow for larger size *K2 P2 tog P1 * repeat I am going to decrease stitch numbers and pretty sure that's not what is meant as it will also throw out the ribbing design also.. To keep same number of stitches and ribbing straight doe the P1 mean you actually pick up middle stitch, in effect making 1 and purl it this keeping numbers?
    Thanks lovely

  103. How many stitches should there be after rounds 7 & 8?

  104. dear wandering lady...thank you so of your earlier responses said that you have a corrected pattern, but I don't understand where it is? Have you incorporated on the tope of this or is in a separate link? Thanks

  105. At the end of legs when decreasing, Do you decrease at the beginning and end of each row and when do you start decreasing. It isn't clear. Thank you.

  106. can these b done on 2 needles?

  107. Pattern can be knit on 2 needles, but a circular needle is much easier. One doesn't have to worry about stiches dropping.
