
Saturday, 27 March 2010

A new start

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Finally, finally, finally. I got a job!!!!!

But of course, nothing comes for free, and this is how the story goes. After having being unemployed for 8 months, me and hubby decides to go for a holiday to Cambodia to visit family and join hubby’s younger sister’s wedding. As we see it, it is better for us to go now as I still don’t have a job, and if I do get one later it will be hard to ask for any time off within the first year. So we go.

One hour after landing in Cambodia I receive a voicemail message on my mobile. The company where I went for a second interview just the other day wants me to call back. And with my heart racing like crazy, I do. And wouldn’t you know it, they offer me the job!!! My happiness skyrockets but seconds later plummets down like a rock, because they want me to start March first, in 10 days. SHITE! But what can one say? One says yes, I can.

So, as soon as I am off the phone I run out to the nearest travel agency to try to find a new ticket home. This means that my holiday shrinks from 4 weeks to puny 8 days. After a short and intens pow-wow with hubby and munchkin, we decide that hubby will stay back and continue his holiday while I and munchkin flies back home. So far so good. Until it turns out that I can’t get a ticket home for love nor money. Yup, after 8 months of being unemployed I am finally offered a job one hour after having landed on my holiday and then I am stuck. The travelagency did eventually come up with a $3000 ticket in business class, which I was willing to take if nothing else came up. That is $3000 for a one-way ticket. Yes, you heard me! But after having worried about that for the rest of the day, my new favourite person calls me from the travel agency and tells me that he has managed to find a normal ticket for me and munchkin back to the Mothership.

So, long story short. I got home, and I survived being a single working mum for three weeks (which is a story in its own right), and am now reunited with hubby and four weeks into my new job.

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